Mayim Greens
Amaranthus (Red) - 150 gms
Per piece
Amaranthus plants have flesh oval shaped leaves that are sometimes pointed at the tips. The Red variety produces feathery purple, magenta or red flowers from the central stalk which is packed with edible seeds. The young leaves are slightly astringent when raw, but are nutty and mild, like spinach. Larger, more mature leaves are best for stewing or braising, similarly to a chard or beet green.
The nutrients in amaranthus can offer significant health benefits as a part of a healthy diet. It’s a source of vitamin C, which is vital to the body’s healing process because it helps process iron, form blood vessels, repair muscle tissue, and maintain collagen.Â
Amaranthus may be eaten raw or cooked. The younger leaves are mild and tender while the more mature plants are slightly fibrous and develop a bitter flavor. Add the greens to salads and soups or briefly sauté with oil similarly to spinach. Complimentary flavors include bacon, ham, poultry, anchovies, garlic, onion, sesame seeds, soy sauce, lemon, mushrooms, oregano, dill, cumin, goat cheese, parmesan, ricotta, mustard, walnuts and curries.
This green retains its crispness if kept in the coolest part of the fridge. Â Store unwashed in a perforated plastic bag.