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  • Banana (Yelakki) - 500 gms

Banana (Yelakki) - 500 gms

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Product details

These bananas are small in size and taste very much like regular bananas but are sweeter.

Health Benefits

They contain little to no fat and are low in calories. They are high in vitamin B6 and contain the amino acid tryptophan which helps the human body produce mood boosting serotonin. They are high in fiber and potassium. They also posses a fair amount of phosphorous, magnesium, selenium, copper, zinc, iron and calcium. They contain vitamins A, B1, B2, C, E, K, Niacin and Pantothenic Acid.


These bananas are a quintessential fresh eating banana and can be used as a dessert banana as well. Their sweetness lends to many recipes in various applications. They can be a principle ingredient in smoothies, baby food, pudding, cakes, muffins, bread, cookies, ice cream and tarts.


As tropical fruits, bananas don't care for the cold of a refrigerator, so store them at room temperature where they'll continue to ripen gradually.

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