Mayim Greens
Beetroot - 500 gms
Per piece
Beetroot (Beta vulgaris) is a root vegetable also known as red beet, table beet, garden beet, or just beet. It comes from the same family as sugar beets. However, it is genetically and nutritionally different. Beetroot have a round shape that tapers to a point. The outer skin is thin and has a deep red to maroon color. Topped with large edible greens, beetroot offers an earthy flavor, but is mild.
Beetroot provides a wide range of possible health benefits, such as reducing blood pressure, improving digestion, and lowering the risk of diabetes. It is packed with nutrition, including antioxidants that fight cell damage and reduce the risk of heart disease. They’re one of the few vegetables that contain betalains, a powerful antioxidant that gives beetroot their vibrant color.  Betalains reduce inflammation and may help protect against cancer and other diseases.
Beetroot can be roasted, steamed, boiled, or pickled and can also be eated raw. Make beetroot juice by peeling beetroot and blending it with a combination of fresh orange, mint, pineapple or apples, lemon, and ginger. Grate or slice beetroot and add them to coleslaw or a salad. Slice them and serve them with lemon juice and a sprinkle of chili powder.
To store beetroot for few days, refrigerate them in a tightly sealed bag.