Mayim Greens
Chayote (Chow Chow) - 500 gms
Per piece
Chayote (Chow Chow) is small to medium in size, and has a pear-like shape with deep linear indentations, folds, or puckers that run vertically along the fruit's skin that meet at its flower end. The pale green rind is thin, smooth, firm, and edible but is often discarded because of its tough nature. The creamy white flesh is crisp to starchy and becomes succulent to cottony as it matures, and the central core contains one small, edible seed. Chayote is crunchy and very mild with a slightly sweet taste and light notes of cucumber.
Chayote contains vitamin C, vitamin B-6, folate, dietary fiber, and potassium.
Chayote squash is best suited for both raw and cooked applications such as grilling, stir-frying, boiling, steaming, and baking. They can also be pickled and preserved. They can be peeled, sliced, and added to soups, stews and curries. Chayote can also be boiled and mashed or slow roasted and served like a potato as an accompaniment to main courses featuring grilled meats and fish. They pair well with chile peppers, cream-based sauces, bacon, curry, garlic, onions, both soft and hard cheeses, melon, cumin, coriander, oregano, cilantro, lemon or lime juice, almonds, and coconut milk.
They will keep up to four weeks when wrapped in a paper towel, placed in a plastic bag, and stored in the refrigerator.