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  • Cucumber - 500 gms

Cucumber - 500 gms

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Product details

Cucumbers, botanically classified as Cucumis sativus, are technically a fruit and belong to the same family as zucchini, pumpkin, watermelon, and summer squash. Cucumbers have a mild, refreshing taste and a high water content. They can help relieve dehydration and are pleasant to eat in hot weather. The phrase "cool as a cucumber" is prevalent in American slang and is a direct reference to the soothing and cooling effects that Cucumbers have on body temperature when consumed.

Health Benefits

Cucumbers are an excellent source of vitamins K, A, and C, folic acid, potassium, and silica, which is a trace mineral that helps strengthen connective tissue.


Cucumbers are commonly consumed raw. Slice cucumbers and add to salads, marinate Cucumbers in oil, vinegar, and spices and serve with sugar snap peas and mint leaves. It can also be sliced lengthwise, diced, and added to quinoa or bulgur wheat salad. Cucumbers pair well with mint, dill, tuna fish, chicken salad, tomatoes, green peppers, and onions.


Cucumbers will keep for a few days when stored in the refrigerator. If only a portion of the Cucumber is used, wrap the remaining piece tightly in plastic and store in the refrigerator to prevent dehydration.

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