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  • Drumstick - 200 gms

Drumstick - 200 gms

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Moringa oleifera is a plant that is often called the drumstick tree, the miracle tree, the ben oil tree, or the horseradish tree. The pods of the Drumstick tree are long, smooth-skinned, dark green, and three-sided. The pods are soft when mature and have bumps that run the length of the pod, revealing the seed nodes. Within the pods is a fleshy pulp and pea-sized seeds encased in wing-shaped hulls. The Drumsticks are tapered at each end. The pods are bitter with a somewhat sweet taste; their muted flavor allows for a variety of seasoning options.

Health Benefits

Drumstick has been used for centuries due to its medicinal properties and health benefits. It also has antifungal, antiviral, antidepressant, and anti-inflammatory properties.  Drumstick pods are rich in nutrients like iron, vitamin c, beta-carotene, copper and iodine.


Young Drumstick pods are ready to eat when they snap apart when bent in half. If the pod is too old, it becomes fibrous and woody. Drumstick pods are typically prepared by cutting into one or two inch pieces and adding to soups, curries, and Sambhar. They are pickled, boiled, steamed, and fried. Drumsticks can be prepared much like green beans or asparagus. The pods can be sliced lengthwise and the pulp scooped out and eaten.


Cut drumsticks into pieces and store them in an airtight container. They stay for a few days in the fridge without losing their nutrient value.

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