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  • Ivy Gourd - 500 gms

Ivy Gourd - 500 gms

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Product details

Ivy Gourd are small in size and are ovoid to ellipsoid in shape.  The skin is smooth with variegations and light striping of pale green, dark green, and white hues. Underneath the surface, the translucent white flesh is aqueous and crisp, encasing many seeds in a slippery, pale red coating. They are juicy and crunchy when young with a mild, slightly bitter aftertaste. As the fruit matures, it develops a soft and a sweeter quality.

Health Benefits

Ivy Gourd are a good source of vitamin A, vitamin B, and beta-carotene. It is also known for its toxin eliminating properties and can help clean the bloodstream.


Ivy Gourd can be eaten raw as a salad vegetable, though its bitter flavor can be strong so the addition of vinegar and sugar can reduce or remove any bitter aftertaste the fruit may impart. They are more popularly cooked and added to curries, stir-fries, and used as the main ingredient in Indian pickles and chutneys. They can also be coated in spices and roasted as a crunchy side dish. Ivy Gourd is commonly utilized in urad dal, which is Ivy Gourd soaked in warm water cooked with lentils, Palya, which is Ivy Gourd mixed with spices and dried, roasted lentils, or slow-cooked in coconut milk as a savory curry. Ivy Gourd naturally absorbs accompanying flavors. It pairs well with ginger, garlic, chiles, stewed meats and vegetables, baked fish, coconut cream, peanuts, pickling spices such as mustard and coriander, light-bodied vinegar, and aromatics such as cumin and cilantro.


Ivy Gourd are perishable and will keep up to one week when stored in a paper bag in the refrigerator.

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