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  • Ridge Gourd - 500 gms

Ridge Gourd - 500 gms

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Product details

Ridge Gourd is an elongated gourd with dark green skin, lined with evenly spaced ridged peaks, that taper at each end. They are tender; the bright white flesh has spongy texture and offers a silky, subtly sweet flavor when cooked.

Health Benefits

Ridge Gourd is an excellent source of vitamin C and a good source of dietary fiber, calcium and vitamin A. They also contains iron and protein.


Ridge Gourd are peeled and sliced or cut into bite-sized pieces for stir-fry, battering and deep frying, to add to fish soups, dahls, or curries. They will soak up the flavors of whatever liquid it is prepared in. In India the gourd is used in sabzis, or cooked vegetable dishes, simmered in a spice-filled gravy along with peas, cauliflower and tomatoes. Add it to stews or other vegetable dishes. Pair with seafood, spicy chiles, tamarind, soy sauce, cilantro, eggs and potato.


Store Ridge Gourd in the refrigerator for up to a week.

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