Mayim Greens
Sweet Lime (Mosambi) - 500 gms
Per piece
Sweet Lime (Mosambi) is small to medium in size, and is round to oval in shape with a slightly lumpy exterior. The medium-thick, leathery rind has many small, prominent oil glands and transforms from green to a blend of yellow, orange, and green hues when mature. The rind is also full of essential oils, and just one scratch on the surface of the peel will release an intense, bright aroma. Underneath the surface of the rind, the white pith clings to the flesh and has a spongy texture. The flesh is soft, juicy, contains many cream-colored seeds, and is divided into 8-10 segments by thin membranes. Sweet Lime is generally sweet with a mild flavor and contains a low amount of acid, reducing tart and tangy notes.
Sweet Lime is a good source of vitamin C and potassium and also contains some fiber, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, and calcium.
Sweet Lime is best suited for raw applications as its sweet flavor is showcased when juiced. When preparing the juice, the fruit is sliced, de-seeded, peeled, and blended with water and sugar to create a sweet and refreshing drink. The juice can also be used for meat, chicken, and fish marinades, blended into salad dressings, made into popsicles, cooked into jams, jellies, and syrups, used in sorbet, used to flavor candies, and mixed into a variety of beverages such as iced tea. It is important to note that sweet lime juice will become bitter quickly and must be consumed within hours of juicing. They pair well with coconut, strawberry, orange, mango, banana, watermelon, cranberry, kiwi, lemon, lime, ginger, basil, and mint.
The fruit will keep up to two weeks when stored at room temperature and 4-8 weeks when stored in the refrigerator.